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How we can make a Hit in your community!

1. Free direct Mailers and Posters - So handsome they draw attention in any window; the Dou's posters are specially designed by award-winning graphic artist Gary Albertson to make an immediate and long lasting impact on potential audience members. Along with as many posters as you need, we supply you with direct mailers, AT NO COST, for your mailing lists. The direct mailers and posters are delivered at the beginning of the season, (before you need them). All you have to do is take them to your printer to fill in the concert information.

2. Fill-in-the-blank Press Releases and PSA's - We realize that writing press releases and public service announcements from a brochure is a tough, time consuming job. Both our prewritten material, you can simple fill in the blanks with your specific concert information (date, time, and location) or add your own personal style and expertise to the Dou's information.

3. Human Interest Story - One of the most important goals of the Chvatal/Kritzer Duo is to expand your audience to include those who may have never before considered themselves fans of "classical" music. To this end, they have developed a series of "Human Interest Articles" for your local paper, which will help your potential audience make a connection to the artists, as real people. These include an article about Scott Kritzer, the "football playing" guitarist, and Janet Chvatal's experience in the Phantom of the Opera.

4. Residencies - The duo offers and incredibly comprehensive range of pre-performance residencies, tailored to specific audiences, from small children all the way up to Master Classes at the college level. Programs such as lullabies form Around the World" and "All Creatures Sing!" for K-6th grade; and the "Trends in Contemporary Music" for the high school and university music student, give your community and opportunity to make use of the artist as teacher to build a broader audience base.

5. Photos - First rate photographs really make a qualitative difference to newspaper editors and the Chvatal/Kritzer Duo's charm is as visual as it is aural. You will be provided with 8 x10 photos from internationally renowned photographer Hiroshi Iwaya that will make any newspaper editor take notice.

6. Program and Program Notes - You'll get the program, (complete with biographies, program notes, and song translations) when you need it, either on computer disk or on paper. Just insert you're information and it's finished! Part of what makes the Chvatal/Kritzer Duo so memorable is how they personally relate to your audience. While many interesting anecdotes about the music are delivered from the stage, we don't want to miss any opportunity to further engage the listener with program notes that make for insightful and entertaining reading.

7. Accessibility - The Duo makes it a policy to do everything possible to be available for interviews for the print media, in person or by phone, as well as "live" radio and television appearances. When they are in their office you'll get them. When they are out of town, they promise a maximum one day response time.

8. You Tell Us - We know that every community is unique and that every presenter has some interesting ideas on marketing to that community. Our goal is to make the greatest impact possible. If you've got a new idea, we're more than willing to try it.

If you have any questions
or for more information on how you can book the Chvatal/Kritzer Duo
please contact them at:

or call 
(503) 771-2839

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